September 30, 2008

The Importance of Sunscreen

Many people think of sunscreen as something that’s needed only for long days at the beach or hiking in the bright sun. But given the fact that even moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays can seriously damage skin, it’s far wiser to get into the habit of using sunscreen, and other sun-blocking strategies, on a daily basis.

  • Sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer
    Sunscreen is a topical product that’s applied to the skin to protect against sunburn and the harmful effects of ultraviolet light.  Using sunscreen regularly can help prevent skin cancer and photo aging, which is a change in the skin that gives the appearance of aging.
  • Use it even for short stays in the sun
    Anyone planning to be out in the sun for thirty minutes or longer should apply sunscreen to all of their exposed areas.
  • Use it even on cloudy days
    The very best way to protect the skin from ultraviolet light is to wear sunscreen every single day. Even when the sky is cloudy, the harmful rays of the sun are getting through.
  • Cover up in the sun
    Develop a complete sun protection regimen which includes sunscreen, wearing wide brimmed hats, and seeking shade whenever possible. Wearing sunglasses that contain UV protection is also a good idea, as UV light can damage the retinas.


September 29, 2008


I was featured in the biggest newspaper of El Salvador, its called “El Diario De Hoy” and this is the article…

Una Cuscatleca impone su ritmo en Los Ángeles

La DJ dice sentirse orgullosa de su origen y del pueblo al que representa en Estados Unidos

Corresponsal | Paula Díaz
Domingo, 28 de Septiembre de 2008

El ritmo en las tardes de Los Ángeles, California, lo pone la salvadoreña Raquel Córdova, conocida como “RaqC”, una de las DJ más populares en estos momentos por el auge de la estación Latino 96.3 FM, que transmite hip-hop y reguetón.

Su armoniosa voz suena diariamente en uno de los segmentos con más audiencia, en un programa que mezcla ritmos, además de los idiomas inglés y español.

“Desde niña tenía una gran facilidad para entretener a mi familia y amigos, tanto en fiestas como en reuniones, y me ponía los zapatos de mi mami y cantaba y animaba,” asegura Raquel.

“RaqC” nació hace 26 años en Los Ángeles. Sus padres son salvadoreños originarios de Chalatenango y San Salvador. Sus vacaciones son destinadas a la tierra de sus progenitores, donde estuvo hace pocas semanas.

Su show se transmite de 3:00 de la tarde a 7:00 de la noche y es una de las pocas mujeres en esta franja radial. “Eso es muy gratificante, los frutos que uno recoge como cuando alguien me llama y me dice que te escucha porque la haces feliz”, dice la compatriota.

Hace un mes visitó con su madre y unas amigas El Salvador. “Me encontré con una radioescucha allá que vive en Pasadena y me expresó su admiración y me quedé sorprendida”.

Sus inicios

Cuando se graduó de la Secundaria, Córdova trabajó en un centro de ayuda para personas autistas, hace siete años. Un día fue a una discoteca en Hollywood y el espectáculo central era con dos “DJ”.

“Yo miraba que animaban a todas las personas que estábamos ahí y me preguntaba cómo lo hacen. Me acerqué a uno de ellos para decirle cuánto admiraba su trabajo; él me invitó a una estación de radio, a su programa en vivo, y ahí pedí permiso para ir al programa de radio, y cuando entré quedé en shock. Ahí me dije que eesto (mezclar música) es lo mío”, recuerda la compatriota.

Estos programadores de radio le ayudaron en su proceso de aprendizaje por casi un año. “Yo era como una esponja que absorbía todo. Aprendí a hacer comerciales, producción, etcétera”, comenta Córdova.

Posteriormente, estudió por diez meses en la Academy of Radio Television Broadcasting de Huntington Beach.

“Allí me enseñaron que tu personalidad tiene que ser más importante que tu cuerpo, que tienes que tener ganas, pasión y un efoque muy claro”, dice la animadora.

Su éxito no se ha quedado en ser una de las programadoras musicales más reconocidas entre los adolescentes y las nuevas generaciones a quienes está destinada la estación de radio. Raquel busca dar a otros la oportunidad que ella tuvo. Latino 96.3 F.M. tiene una alta audiencia salvadoreña, jóvenes de las nuevas generaciones que gustan sel reguetón y el hip hop.

Durante su vida tuvo que hacer sacrificios para llegar a donde se encuentra ahora. Salió de su casa para trabajar en una estación pequeña en Palm Spring.

“Fui la segunda en el show de la mañana y tenía otro trabajo de cajera en un supermercado de 3:00 de la tarde a 9:00 de noche. Me tocaba salir de mi casa con un bate de béisbol por protección, a las 3:00 de la madrugada, porque no había alumbrado público”, relata la salvadoreña.

Después tuvo una oportunidad a la que no pudo negarse. Una estación de música regional, en Chicago, le abrió las puertas.

“Si Dios me ponía esto en el camino era por algo, porque este tipo de música no es mi género pero sabía que Chicago es el tercer mercado, después de New York y Los Ángeles, así que acepté”.

Hace tres años una nueva puerta se le abrió en Los Ángeles y poco a poco se ha ganado el corazón de la audiencia. Aunque la emisora transmite en idioma inglés, Córdova combina los dos idiomas para llegar a muchos latinos que no hablan inglés. Lo hace en una especie de “spanglish”.

La joven, que expresa un profundo amor por El Salvador, también hace trabajo comunitario para ayudar a jóvenes en riesgo.

“A mí me gusta mucho ir a las escuelas a hablar con los jóvenes, eso me llena el corazón”, dice Raquel.

A mediados de agosto pasado, Raquel estuvo en un concierto con Wisin y Yanden, Daddy Yankie en el Staples Center.

“Cuando me subo a la tarima, no sólo en este concierto, sino en todos, lo hago con mi bandera de El Salvador y siento el apoyo de mi gente”, finaliza la joven.

September 27, 2008

She’s Got It Going On…….Flawless!!


You can say all you like about Rihanna, but the proof is above: the chick is a 100% certified dime piece. Im  pretty sure this picture will cause a good deal of forehead-inspired comments, but there aren’t too many ladies in the game right now that would even dare to have their photo placed next to hers. Let the hating begin!!! U go girl!

September 26, 2008

Gooooo Dodger Blue!!

“Los Dogers” are headed to the playoffs AGAIN….you go boys!!

This will be the 3rd visit to the playoffs in 5 years for the Los Angeles Dodgers.  Let’s go all the way this year LA!!

September 25, 2008

“Throwback” Thrusday’s

Good Morning!  In today’s edition of “Throwback” Thursday’s we look back at one of the BEST memories de cuando yo era nina.  Everyday after school I’d come home, change out of my school clothes, grab a snack and watch some TV to “relax” while I ate my snack.  I’d watch cartoons of course and one of my favorites to watch was none other than…….

Dennis The Menace!

Looking back, I think I liked this show because I could really relate to that kid!  Era (y sigo siendo) traviesa! We’re only as old as we feel inside right?  So go ahead….today let your inner child come out and play! Dance like a crazy person, sing your favorite song outloud, color with your kids….life’s not that serious so we shouldn’t be either!



September 24, 2008


Ok, you might not snore but sleep next to or have slept next to someone that does. Snoring is annoying! I just want to stuff a sock in it…..LOL! I am a great sleeper but when somone is all up in my ear it prevents me from getting all the rest that I really need. I bet you have asked yourself, What causes snoring?

What is Snoring?

Snoring, like all other sounds, is caused by vibrations that cause particles in the air to form sound waves. For example, when we speak, our vocal cords vibrate to form our voice. When our stomach growls (borborygmus), our stomach and intestines vibrate as air and food move through them.

While we are asleep, turbulent airflow can cause the tissues of the nose and throat to vibrate and give rise to snoring. Essentially, snoring is a sound resulting from turbulent airflow that causes tissues to vibrate during sleep.

Studies estimate that 45% of men and 30% of women snore on a regular basis.

So if you sleep next to a snorer, Goodluck! Cheers to a good night sleep!

September 23, 2008

HEATER ALERT…In Stores Today!!!

Somebody Ring The Alarm because this album is a “HEATER!”
September 23, 2008

Action, Suspense & Definitely Makes You Wonder

I’m talking about the movie, Lakeview Terrace starring Samuel L. Jackson and Kerry Washington

I went to go see it last night and considering all the wack movies out there right now I thought this movie was pretty good. Not the best but pretty good! It definitely makes you wonder about what kind of neighbors you have and it doesn’t really make LAPD look good.

Samuel L. Jackson plays the role of a neighbor/cop that is not all there mentally! He has anger issues because his ex-wife cheated on him with a white man, and since his neighbors that moved in are a bi-racial couple it bothers him!  He makes sure to make their life a “living hell” to the point where you just want to slap him…..LOL!!!!

Raq-C’s Review: One thumb up, One thumb down!

September 22, 2008

National Stay At Home Week……..

So many of mine and your favorite shows are kicking off this week. Starting tonight with, Dancing with the stars. Im really excited to see everyone from Lance Bass (the first  openly gay contestant), Toni Braxton, and of course my girl Kim Kardashian work it tonight on the dance floor! It will be a 3 night live premiere event tonight starting at 8pm. Don’t Miss it!

Another one of my all time favorite shows is, Ugly Betty, kicks off this Thursday Sept 25th @ 8pm ! I’ve been waiting for my girl Betty to do her thang…..ssshhaaauuuuuu!

And of course we cannot forget about my comadres at Whisteria Lane, Desperate Housewives. They are back! Yay 🙂 Sunday Sept 28th @ 9pm! My favorite housewife is Eva Longoria aka “Gaby”…..So get the popcorn ready because it’s going to be a HOT week on TV!

September 19, 2008

The weekend is here!!!!!!

Here are some ideas for a pretty cool, sexy, romantic night. So if you are single, in a long-term relationship, or even married, “date” night is something we must all do to keep the FIRE alive! SSShhhhaauuuuuuuuuu!!!

Here is my first recommendation, and I have personally done this and it is so much fun and definitely romantic…..

For An Evening You Will Never Forget!
Love, Romance, Music
A Ride in a Venetian Gondola
Imagine gliding through the canals of Venice, sipping a glass of wine overlooking the bay under the twilight. Now, you can evoke all the romance and lively fun that is synonymous with Italy in the beautiful bay and canals of Newport Beach, California.

For some good argentenian food I highly recommend one of my favorite spots, LALA’S right in the heart of  Hollywood. Now don’t let “Hollywood” intimidate you because the prices are very affordable. The plates are like $12-$15. They have everything from empanadas, salmon dijon, ensalada griega, milanesa, and pasta. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.


L.A. County Fair is here September 5-28th…….

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find at the Los Angeles County Fair.

From classic rock to karaoke, magicians to hypnotists, and Chinese acrobats to Mariachis, the Fair has entertainment fun for everyone.

*Fairview Farms – livestock shows, cow and goat milking, animal pettingExhibit halls filled with every *Gadget and gizmo you can imagine and some you’d never think of.
*Horse Shows, Horse Racing, and a Horse Racing Exhibit including racing seminars and wagering instructions
*Pig Races
*Cooking, wine-making, arts and crafts demonstrations and workshops
*Street performers
*Children’s educational exhibits
*Carnival rides
*Museums – the Millard Sheets Gallery and the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum
*Winter Wonderland – snow and light show, ice skating
*Action Adventure – features the Skycoaster and the 3D “Scare at the Fair”
*California’s Heritage Square – living history demonstrations
*Grandstand Concerts and Spectacles

General admission any-day adult tickets are available for $10 and children’s any-day (ages 6-12) tickets for $6

LOCATION: Fairplex in Pomona, 1101 W. McKinley Ave, Pomona, CA 91768, off the 10 Freeway, exit Fairplex Drive or White Ave

Have an awesome weekend! I leave you with two amazing quotes…..

“Be the woman your man adores and never wants to leave by simply being yourself”

“Love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”- Elizabeth Browning

September 18, 2008

“Throwback” Thursdays

For the 3rd edition of “Throwback” Thursdays we look back fondly at one of my favorite accessories of the 80’s…..the Jelly Shoes!  If you where like me you had a pair in every color to match any outfit!  We wore them to school, to play even to church with ruffle socks!  Heeeyyyy!!  Jelly shoes where the business when I was a little girl!  Looking back though, they did make your feet smell sooooo bad!  You gotta love fashion!

September 17, 2008

Esperanza 4 U!

Join me in supporting a wonderful cause October 19, 2008.  Esperanza for you is a non profit organization that was started here locally and focuses on feeding those less fortunate during the Holiday Season.  Wow, that alone is amazing!  I call it the “Beans and Rice Charity” because with those humble foods, they make miracles happen in families across the Southland and Baja California….This is something that I believe in and feel passionately about.  I always look for ways to pay it forward and share my gifts with others. Knowing you changed someone’s day or life with a simple action is a priceless feeling…..please check out the details below!

For questions or to find out how YOU can get involved please call (323) 382.4770 or email at

Remember:  El que da, simepre tiene…..Have a blessed and productive day! xoxoxox

September 16, 2008


El 15 de Septiembre en México se celebra en grande!  Con noches Mexicanas, fiestas con Tequila y mesas con mucho sabor. Es el Día de la Independencia, donde todo Mexicano se toma un trago de Tequila y brinda por su patria.

You’ve got to love Comida Mexicana……yum!

Pelon Pelo Rico is my favorite….

Mexican Icon…..Ladies & Gentlemen, Vicente Fernandez!

Mexican pride at it’s finest!!

September 15, 2008

Happy Sushi Monday….

Hope you all had an amazing weekend!

For all that do not know, SUSHI IS MY WEAKNESS and of course I had to get my sushi on this weekend. My sister, cousin and me hit a really good sushi bar on La Brea and Pico in L.A. they have a special roll there called the “Oishi Special” its a roll that is made out of cucumber on the outside no rice and it has spicy tuna in the middle. Delicious! That is my favorite. Here is a little bit of history of how sushi came to be……

History of Sushi – Came from China –

The origin of sushi is not Japan. It is said that sushi was introduced into Japan in the 7th century from China. People began making sushi to preserve fish by fermentation when there were no refrigerators. Since salt and rice were needed in order to ferment fish, sushi became to be closely related to rice in Japan. Then, it developed into current sushi which combine fish and rice.

Sushi Nutrition -Low in Fat-

Sushi is low in fat and is a very nutritious food. A typical setting of 7 to 9 pieces contains about 300-450 calories. The fish in sushi provides protein and can be a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Vegetables are a great source of vitamines. Seaweed is rich in iodine. And rice provides complex carbohydrates.

If you have never had sushi before don’t be afraid. Alot of people think the idea of raw fish is yucky but it’s not. It is sooooooooo good! Happy Sushi!

Today, remember there are no limits in your life! – The Secret

September 14, 2008


It is never to early to dream! Let this little 4-year-old inspire you!

Happy Sunday!

THIS IS TOO CUTE…..4-year-old singer on America’s Got Talent!!!!

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September 12, 2008

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa acknowledges Latino 96.3

PRESS RELEASE- For Immediate Release


HIRE LA Presents Award to Latino 96.3-

Miami, FL (September 4, 2008) – Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS) (NASDAQ: SBSA) announced today that KXOL Latino 96.3 FM has been recognized by HIRE LA for their remarkable involvement in the Hispanic community. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa presented the HIRE LA award to Latino 96.3 FM’s renowned DJ, Raquel Cordova.

“I am honored to accept this award on behalf of KXOL. It means so much to the Latino 96.3 family to be recognized for all of our work within the community,” said Cordova. “As a young Latina, I’ve witnessed how HIRE LA has helped so many young Latinos move past bad influences and situations into a life that has meaning. I extend my gratitude for this award on behalf of KXOL Latino 96.3 FM and want to thank HIRE LA for all they do.”

HIRE LA is an organization that helps young adults between the ages of 16-24 stay away from the violence of the “streets,” by providing them with job opportunities. HIRE LA is involved with eight different Los Angeles employment programs.  KXOL Latino 96.3 FM supports HIRE LA by promoting events in the Hispanic community.

Don’t miss DJ Raquel AKA “Raq-C”, airing Monday through Friday from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on KXOL, Latino 96.3

September 11, 2008

September 11th, 2001…..We must NEVER forget!

Today I would like to honor the memory of those lost in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center in New York City, The Pentagon in Washington D…C… and Somerset County, Pennsylvania…


September 11, 2008

Throwback Thursdays…..

Welcome to the “2nd” edition of throwback Thursdays, and today I had to give it up for one of the actors from one of my favorite movies of all time, Breakin’ & Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo. In these movies he was known as “Ozone”, and I had the biggest crush on him!

Adolfo “Shabba-Doo” Quinones was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. He moved to Los Angeles in the early 70s. He’s one of the forefathers of hip-hop dancing, “The Original Lockers” and was an Original Soul Train Gang member in the 70s and early 80s. The Lockers are famously known for pioneering “Locking”. Shabba-Doo also starred in 80s classic movies “Breakin’, and Breakin’ 2 Electric Boogaloo, and the 1990 film Lambada. He’s an award-winning musical theater choreographer, and director. He’s choreographed for Lionel Richie, Madonna, and Luther Vandross to name a few. He’s currently the choreographer for Jamie Kennedy’s new MTV show, “Blowin’ Up”. Recently he served as the associate choreographer, for the 78th Annual Academy Awards, and performed with first time Oscar winners, “Three Six Mafia” for their performance of, “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp”. He presently resides in California, where he is working on various film, and television projects.

Give it up to one hard working fine Latino!  Heeeyyyyy!!

September 10, 2008

The miracle of Green Tea

So many people always ask me Raq-C how do you stay in shape, energetic, and so full of life on a daily basis? Well, I start off my day drinking a cup of green tea. I drink a cup in the morning and a cup at night before I go to bed. Not only do I love it with a little bit of honey, but it is so beneficial for your health.

“Better to be deprived of food for threee days, than tea for one”-(Ancient Chinese Proverb)

The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. Green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years.

Powerful antioxidants, catechins have been show in recent studies to fight viruses, slow aging, and have a beneficial effect on health. Clinical tests have shown that catechins destroy free radicals and have far-reaching positive effects on the entire body.

To sum it up, here are just a few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful:

  • cancer
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • high cholesterol levels
  • cariovascular disease
  • infection
  • impaired immune function


September 9, 2008

“Dance like nobody is watching, love like you’ve never been hurt, sing like nobody is listening, and live like its heaven on earth”- Mark Twain

September 9, 2008

More pictures from the Motherland……

Salu….My tio & tia @ the mercado de Antiguo Cuscatalan…..

Sopa de pata…..

My gringa friend came along and she loved El Salvador….She didn’t want to leave!

They even have Mexican food in El Salvador…..u know I had to taste it!

Laying out some more….

Now this is what I call hard labor……my respect to these women!

Black sand… beautiful!

September 8, 2008

More Memories from the Motherland El Salvador……

“Most people fail in life because they major in minor things”- Anthony Robbins

Happy Monday!!!! Remember make it an awesome day!

Overlooking San Salvador from el volcan de San Salvador……

La Basilica De Guadalupe, this is where my parents got married!

Inside La Basilica De Guadalupe located in Antiguo Cuscatlatn…

Tortillas frescas with quesito fresco……I was in heaven!

The beaches are gorgeous…..

La cerveza de El Salvador….

September 7, 2008

I’m back from the motherland El Salvador!

Here are a few memories I brought back with me……

What a breath-taking view…..

My favorite dish yuca con chicharron….yummy!

Laying out by the pool, relaxing…

El volcan de San Salvador…..what an impressive view!

I was surrounded by palm trees……….

I love coco’s…….

September 6, 2008

Good Luck Baby!

Today is my nephew’s 1st football game!  I’m so sad I can’t be there to watch him, but I know he’s gonna be a star on that field!  Love you mijo….GGggooooo Corona Panthers!!

September 5, 2008

It’s Friday!!

September 4, 2008

“Throwback” Thursdays

I’ll be adding a new catagory to my Daily Dose….”Throwback” Thursdays.  In today’s busy world there are things that come and go in a blink of an eye and are forgotten forever, there are also things and/or people that span the generations and once gone, they leave a void.  Here will honor and celebrate the “Throwbacks” of our time.

To kick off the 1st editon of “Throwback” Thursdays I have chosen to honor the memory of the GREAT Celia Cruz!  As you all know I love this woman…she represents all the good memories of my childhood.  Her energy and feel good music will live on forever though the Latino culture!  Her Spirit transcendes through the lyrics of her songs.   Here’s to you Celia, La Reina de la Salsa!  Azucar!!

September 3, 2008

The Best Things In Life Truly Are Free…..

Enjoying the good life at Cafe Miranda.  Check out this view…breath taking!

I stopped to admire Mother Nature on my way up to El Volcan de San Salvador.  Que bella!

We should all take the time to stop and admire all of the beautiful things around us.  The blue skies, a beautiful garden, children playing or your favorite song on the radio!  We are blessed to be alive everyday! Everyday we get a new chance to write another page of the story of our lives….go out and make those memories!  Have a memorable Day!!  xoxoxox

September 2, 2008

Hello From El Salvador!

I hope everyone had an awesome Labor Day!  Mine was GREAT!  I am having the time of my life here in El Salvador getting in touch with my roots!  The locals here are so welcoming!! Here are a few pictures of my trip so far…..

You know I had to have me a Coco! What’s a vacation without one right?!

Me and the Coco guy with his big ass machete!  Watch out now…hhheeeyyy!!

The comadres where teaching me how to make pupusas! De queso o revuelta?

It feels so good to get out of my routine and just relax and go with the flow.  I’m having a blast with my family, some of which I haven’t seen since I was 3 years old!

Luv ya guys!  Have a blessed and happy Tuesday!