April 21, 2009
Talk about being in the right place at the right time. Last night I was invited, by one of my dearest friends and fellow Salvi in this industry, Elizabeth Espinosa – she is a reporter on KTLA 5. She’s on everyday at 6:30pm, make sure to check her out. Anyway, we were invited to see “Hot Tamales” visit www.kikikiss.com to see what this comedy show is about. I thought it was hilarious, so good it’s a must see. Well low and behold we run into Eva Longoria! By the way she is my favorite housewife on Desperate Housewives! She was super cool, humble, down to earth, real, and just overall a very nice person. I asked her if she had a Twitter and she said “Girl, NO I don’t have time for that!” LOL…..so glad I met her, she’s dope!
Elizabeth Espinosa, ME & Eva Longoria…..